Alright. Big news guys. I've heard this line so many times it's ridiculous, but I'm saying it.
"I am so addicted to Pinterest!"
If you've ever used it, you know what I mean. It's crazy easy to get sucked into! If you've never heard of this Pinterest I speak of, look it up right. Like, right now. I know you can, cuz your reading this, so you have no excuse! :P Pinterest is this cool social networking site where you can essentially "pin" any pic you want, whether it's on the Internet or one you took, or one that someone else pinned. All your pins are collected on your pinboard, and you cam organize them however you want. It's absolutely incredible! You can find everything under the sun on this site! And to prove it, I shall give you a sample of all the random things you could find if you were to go there:
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