From "The World's Best Ever",
Alright, I'll be honest. Writing blog posts is a lot harder than I originally thought it would be. At first I had all these lofty ambitions of writing inspirational pieces that thousands upon thousands would read and be touched by. It seemed terribly exciting and I never dreamed there would come a day when I would face the infamous "writer's block". I sat in front of a blank page for years it seemed, scheming and scheming until I could scheme no more, but I couldn't think of one good thing to present to the world. I knew I needed to, but I began to dread writing posts. However, here I am, determined to write despite the complete lack of inspiration that I started out with.
I was so starving for inspiration, it seems, that I have resorted to writing a post on my relationship and viewpoints on it. I originally found this list when I was adventuring with Stumbleupon a while back. It really resonated with me, because I've found many of these techniques on my own without being completely conscious of the fact that I had. As I was reading the list I kept thinking to myself, "Hey, I do that!" For instance, I used to free write A LOT. Most evenings I would write to God about the day and things I had on my mind and things I felt he was saying to me. It was a way for my prayers to be more focused. I didn't realize that's why I found myself more inspired and creative. Now I'm thinking I should really get back into that!
I really value journalling, and I would encourage anyone and everyone to keep one. Not only does it keep you creative, but it also helps to keep you balanced, in my opinion. It's very therapeutic to be able to release emotions and stress in this way. If you can write about it, and get it all out, then you can spend less time thinking about it over and over again and spend more time working around it and living joyfully! Plus, it doesn't necessarily need to be an every day thing. When I first started journalling when I was really young, I thought to myself, "Okay, this is the week I write every single day, without fail. I don't care what happens I WILL write in my journal!" This system just didn't work for me. I know that for many other people, forcing themselves to write every day keeps them challenged and goal-oriented, and that's great! Go for it! But for some people this just adds unnecessary stress. Too much stress is the enemy of a creative mind. So go with the flow! Also, it you were to look through my journal, you would find more than just mundane posts. You would find lists (#1!), and drawings, and random ideas (#30!). Nothing is too crazy or abnormal to put in your journal. It's your place to relax and communicate whatever your little heart desires. And also, in case you haven't already noticed, this post is definitely breaking the font and text size rules! Yay for creativity! (Actually, I just don't know how to make it look like it usually does, but hey! We'll go with it!) Stay creative, my friends!