Tada! New blog, as promised. And this is the very first post, so feel privileged that your eyes can behold such a masterpiece. Let's just take a moment to drink it all in...
Kay, moment done. So today was a wonderful day! We had this International's Potluck, which is pretty much a potluck where we invite people would have recently immigrated, and get to know each other and eat amazing food! Ah, it was so delicious! I'm in charge of leading the kids part, so we usually watch a movie or color or something. But today we were celebrating Easter early, so of course we had an Easter egg hunt! Haha it's amazing how joyous the kids get when you load them with candy. :) It was actually soo fun! And I made a couple new friends, too! They are two guys, one from the Philippines, and the other from Bhutan. They were pretty cool! I'm usually kinda shy and awkward, but I decided on my way there that I would push myself to be outgoing, and be interested in others more than myself. I asked God to help me be a shining light, and show them His crazy awesome love. And He totally came through! Man, I am so in love with God these days. It's really cool. :) and now I'm extremely tired, so I should probably get some sleep. :P goodnight!!!
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