"Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move I'll move
I will follow you
Who you love, I'll love
How you serve, I'll serve
If this life I lose
I will follow you"
I love this song. We sang it in church the other day, and I seriously almost cried. It applies so well to my life at the moment, because my family and I have decided to move to Nicaragua next year to be missionaries. It's so exciting to be following where God wants us! He's been very close to me through this too, which is the best feeling ever :) It's really difficult for us right now though, because we are having to move into town, and off our acreage. We're getting rid of most of our stuff and moving to a much smaller place. It's kinda scary leaving this place that has been such a safe and peaceful haven for not only us, but for some of my friends who have claimed it as their second home. But it will all be okay in the end, cuz I know God is always holding me and leading me on. He's got a plan for His daughter, and this is one part of it. God is shaping me into someone more like Himself, and a girl who an fearlessly do His work in this broken world we live in. I have solemnly decided to follow Him wherever He leads me, because I am just so in love with Him, and I'm just so excited to see what amazing things God has planned for me! :) He'll provide everything I need, and He won't ask me to do anything I can't handle with His help.